Looking for Freelance work

Hi all,

I am looking for Freelance work. If any openings for Android App Development than please let me Know to skevinhpatel@gmail.com or communicate by call to 9712782285.

I'm working in the following area:
 01)  android UI Design.
 02)  SQLite Database
 03)  Google Firebase
 04)  any types of Ads
 05)  JSON Parsing
 06)  payment gateways
 07)  google Analytics
 08)  Crash Reporting(eg.Fabric etc)
 09)  Push Notification
 10)  Social Login(eg. Facebook,Google..etc)
 11)  Email Login
 12)  Shopping Cart
 13)  Multi Language
 14)  and All Android Apis and Services,Third party libraries (eg. FFMPEG..etc)

Kevin Sojitra.
